
essay on pollution and its types

Hint Points:- 1. Introdnction, 2. Kinds of Pollution, 3. How to check Pollution, 4. Conclusion. 1. Introdnction-  The problem of pollution has become very serious today. Man has interfered too much with Nature. As a result, environment which includes air, water, soil etc. has been polluted. If environment is polluted all sorts of life vegetation is aflected directly or indirectly. Step by step, the precious gifts of nature are being destroyed and human life is being shortened by the polluted air we breathe and unhealthy water we drink. Kinds of Pollution- There are many kinds of pollution such as - (i) air pollution.  (ii) water pollution (iii) noise pollution Air Pollution - Air pollution is mostly caused by the smoke coming out of the chimneys of factories, mills or workshops cte. Mills producing chemicals and acids sive out such a foul smell that it becomes difficult to breathe. Air pollution may cause lung diseases, asthma, eye-llue, headaches etc...

thomas alva edison story in hindi

प्रस्तावना:-  प्रस्तुत पाठ में बच्चों को महान् वैज्ञानिक टामस एल्वा एडीसन की जीवनी तथा उनके द्वारा किए गए आविष्कारों के विषय में जानकारी दी गई है । एडीसन एकमात्र ऐसे वैज्ञानिक हुए हैं जिन्होंने 1000 से अधिक आविष्कार किए । आओं देखें कि बचपन मे अच्छा स्वास्थ्य न होने पर भी एडीसन इतने महान वैज्ञानिक कैसे बने । आज मानव विज्ञान के युग में रह रहा है । विज्ञान ने मानव के जीवन को सरल एवं सुगम बना दिया है । बिजली , मोटर , टेलीविजन , टेलिफोन , रेडियो , वायुयान , जलयान , रॉकेट उपग्रह , कंप्यूटर और न जाने कितनी वस्तुएँ विज्ञान की ही देन है । आज हम इनके बिना जीवन की कल्पना भी नहीं कर सकते । इस समय भी जब आप यह पुस्तक पढ़ रहे होंगे , संसार के विभिन्न देशों में विज्ञान के नए - नए आविष्कार हो रहे होंगे । बच्चो ! विज्ञान के क्षेत्र में एक ऐसा भी वैज्ञानिक हुआ है जिसके अदभत कारनामों से संसार चकित रह गया । उस वैज्ञानिक का नाम था — एडीसन ।  एडीसन का पूरा नाम थॉमस एल्वा एडीसन था । उसका जन्म अमेरिका के मलीन नामक शहर में 11 फरवरी , सन् 1847 में हुआ था । उसके पिता का नाम सैमुअल एडीसन था । वह...

Describe the nature of the panchayat raj system in India

Under the Panchayati Raj system, one or more villages have a Gram Panchayat, a council comprising several ward members, (Panch), and a Sarpanch, who is its President. It is directly elected by all adults of the village. It works under the Gram Sabha. All the village’s voters are its members. It must meet at least twice or thrice annually to approve the Gram Panchayat’s annual budget and to review its performance.

Essay The Joint Family System । Characters and Advantages

Joint family system Points:- 1. Introduction, 2. Value of the joint family system, 3. Its abuses and shortcomings, 4. Reforms, 5. Conclusion. The joint family system is one of the most important features of the Hindu system 0f society. In oldल्टen times each family was a unit of the tribe. The joint familý is a Tamily in which the father and the sons live jointly along with their wives and Cndren. The head of the family was all-powerful in the house. He had the responsibility of keeping the family well-fed and well-brought-up.  The value of joint family in the Hindu system of society is very a very important place. In joint family system the property is shared by everyone and cach has to contribute his own share of manual and mental labour required to keep the family going. The value to social progress and security under such a system is obvious.  It occupies The joint family system has its own advantages. In it each member learns how to adjust himself ...

Indian economic and its challenges

As we know on the eve of independence Indian economy was totally stagnant and backward. The targeted exploitation across all sectors by the British government was so deep rooted that after independence Indian economy required a big push of investment supported by direct participation of the government in the process of growth and development. That is why five years plan was launched in 1951 to reconstruct the Indian economy. Due to different reforms in all sectors during different five vears plan between 1950 to 1990, Indian economy achieved much and more of its goals/objectives, But all were just a significant, not sufficient. Battling the economic crises of 90's, Government of India made a series of economic reforms in 1991 named New Economic Policy (NEP). Since 1991, the Indian economy has pursued free market liberalisation, greater openness in trade and increase investment in infrastructure. This helped the Indian economy to achieve a rapid rate of economic growth and develop...

Domestic violence

Fight for gender equality is not a fight against men. It is a fight against traditions that have chained them since time immortal. It's a fight against attitudes that are ingrained in the society. It is a fight against Lakshman Rekha, carved by the society for women. The society must rise to the occasion. It must recognize and accept the fact that men and women are equal partners in life. They are individuals having distinct identity. The entire discussion on problem of domestic violence has highlighted the fact that while the problem is as old as is the institution of family, the perception of its problematic aspects is relatively recent. The worst forms of verbal, physical, psychological, mental and sexual violence are committed against women in their house. Violence or threats in the form of taunting about her family, her infertility or her giving birth to female infant only, suspicions about her infidelity, denying paternity of the children especially in front of relatives,...

Fast food-A Health Hazard

In this modern era Children have addiction for fast food like burgers, noodles, etc which is spicy & easy and fast to cook. Today's mothers are lazy and they love making such type of fast food for the Tiffin. Just think! this habit given by mothers becomes an addiction for the children, and when they grow up they don't like other nutritional food. These fast-foods don't contain any type of nutrients or vitamins which are good for a growing children. These cause some disease like poor digestive system, poor eyesight, weakness in bones and many more. Due to less availability of calcium, growth is also affected. Some major disease occur which is very injurious for a growing child. So, Mothers should take care about the balanced diet of their children since childhood. Otherwise, they will have to suffer when these problems will turn into a disease. So, right decision should be taken at the right time.