Q. Difference between Flora and fauna by prince nishad

  1. Flora - The term flora is used to denote plants of a particular region or period. They make their food by photosynthesis.
  2. Fauna- The species of animals are referred to as fauna. They cannot make their own food and herbivore animals are dependent on flora for food.

The Youth in Nazi Germany Ch Nazism and rise of Hitler class 9

  1. He felt a strong Nazi society could be established only by teaching the children Nazi ideology.
  2. All schools were 'cleansed' and purified which means that teachers who were Jews or seen as 'politically unreliable' were dismissed.
  3. Children were first segregated and German and Jewish children could not sit together or play together.
  4. The Jews and undesirable children were thrown out of schools and later on killed in gas chambers. 
  5. Good German children were subjected to a process of Nazi schooling, a period of ideological training.
  6. School text books were rewritten and Racial Science introduced to justify Nazi ideas of race.
  7. Children were taught to be loyal and submissive, hate Jews and worship Hitler.
  8. Youth organisations promoted the spirit of National Socialism among the youth.
  9. Ten year old children had to join Jungvolk' and at 14 years of age all children had to join the Nazi youth organisation 'Hitler Youth'.

1905 की क्रांति Revolution of 1905 class 9

  1. वर्ष 1904 रूसी श्रमिकों के लिए विशेष रूप से बुरा था।  आवश्यक वस्तुओं की कीमतें बढ़ीं और वास्तविक मजदूरी में 20 प्रतिशत की गिरावट आई।
  2. रूसी श्रमिकों की विधानसभा के चार सदस्यों को बर्खास्त करने के कारण, औद्योगिक कार्रवाई का आह्वान किया गया था।
  3. सेंट पीटर्सबर्ग में 1,10,000 कर्मचारी हड़ताल पर चले गए, काम के दिन को आठ घंटे तक कम करने और वेतन में वृद्धि और कामकाजी परिस्थितियों में सुधार की मांग की।