
Showing posts from May 29, 2020

Radiant central children academy | Radiant Jalalpur Ambedkar Nagar

Radiant Radiant, Our lovely Radiant  How comely! How Bright! Our lively Radiant  Dreams along and minds beyond  Our soul Radiant  School of thoughts tomorrow's sought Blooming flowers Radiant Seeking and reaching the goal at par  Enlightening the land, near and far  To the country and people we are sergeant Love all is grace divine  Harmony our salient  The lives are made and dreams come true The Sun radiates beneath the sky hue  Where thinking soars high and heart valiant  The glory does play round free all brilliant. Radiant..............

Which are the people more prone to food insecurity ?

A large section of people suffer from food and nutrition insecurity in India. The worst affected are (i) The landless people with little or no land to depend on.  (ii) Traditional artisans.  (iii) Providers of traditional services, petty self employed workers and destitutes, including beggars.  (iv) Urban casual labourers engaged in seasonal activities.  (v) The SCs, STs and some sections of OBCS.  (vi) People affected by natural disasters.