essay on pollution and its types

Hint Points:- 1. Introdnction, 2. Kinds of Pollution, 3. How to check Pollution, 4. Conclusion.

1. Introdnction- 
The problem of pollution has become very serious today. Man has interfered too much with Nature. As a result, environment which includes air, water, soil etc. has been polluted. If environment is polluted all sorts of life vegetation is aflected directly or indirectly. Step by step, the precious gifts of nature are being destroyed and human life is being shortened by the polluted air we breathe and unhealthy water we drink.

Kinds of Pollution-
There are many kinds of pollution such as -
(i) air pollution. 
(ii) water pollution
(iii) noise pollution

Air Pollution - Air pollution is mostly caused by the smoke coming out of the chimneys of factories, mills or workshops cte. Mills producing chemicals and acids sive out such a foul smell that it becomes difficult to breathe. Air pollution may cause lung diseases, asthma, eye-llue, headaches etc.

Water Pollution - Water is the basis of life but greed of man to get more and more money pollutes it. The owners of industries dump waste material on the surface of the carth or in the rivers. So water is polluted. People use this polluted water and invite a number of diseases. Water pollution resulted in the outbreak of cholera in a number of colonies of Delhi, The Hindus float the dead bodies of their saints into the boly rivers, The fish and tortoises cat these dead bodies and spoil the water. 

Noise Pollution- Noise pollution is dangerous to life. It is said that noise more that 80 decibels causes deafness and other diseases. In large cities the roar of vehicles is unbearable, If one stands at some busy centre, he linds cars. scooters, buses, trucks and other automobiles passing there within seconds. Their engines and horns create Rise pollution which is harmful for people's physical and mental health.

How to check Pollution-
To check this pollution, there should be planned industrialisation. The debris of adustries should not be dumped on the surface of the earth or in the rivers. It should Nedestroyed by the use of suitable chemicals. One major step to check pollution is to create a technological ombudsman for investigating and acting on complaints of nesponsible use of technology. as many people misuse new technologies without keping in mind their long term bad effects. Similarly society has to pay for air ollution caused by the private and government industries. A technological abudsman could serve as an official that can call the press attention towards those Pho have applied new technologies irresponsibly. He can pressurize for the onsible use of new technology. Another step can be the use of less harmful technology . The most important step to check pollution is public awareness. People human, animal and should be made aware of bad effects caused by pollution. And plantation should be encouraged. There should be no deforestation. People should not dump domeste waste on the streets. We should remain akin to Nature. Check on growth of population is also necessary to control the increasing pollution of the environment. 

Keeping  in mind the seriousness of the problem, the government of India has set up the Department of Environment to control pollution. The people of the country should also cooperate with the government.


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