Fight for gender equality is not a fight against men. It is a fight against traditions that have chained them since time immortal. It's a fight against attitudes that are ingrained in the society. It is a fight against Lakshman Rekha, carved by the society for women. The society must rise to the occasion. It must recognize and accept the fact that men and women are equal partners in life. They are individuals having distinct identity. The entire discussion on problem of domestic violence has highlighted the fact that while the problem is as old as is the institution of family, the perception of its problematic aspects is relatively recent. The worst forms of verbal, physical, psychological, mental and sexual violence are committed against women in their house. Violence or threats in the form of taunting about her family, her infertility or her giving birth to female infant only, suspicions about her infidelity, denying paternity of the children especially in front of relatives,...