
What are the problems faced by pastoralist in modern world class 9th

These are the following reasons which problems faced by pastoralist:- Colonial policies lead to a serious shortage of pastures, when pastures were turned into cultivated fields. Restrictions where imposed on pastoral movements. Forest where reserved. Access to forests was restricted. Forage for cattle became difficult to find; the cattle where underfed and died. The pastoralist had to pay tax on every animal they grazed, which became very high. Many pastoralists and nomads last their livehoods. They could not take forest products.

What are the effect of unemployment ?

Unemployment leads to wastage of manpower resource. People who are an asset for the country turn into a liability. There is a feeling of helpless and despair among the youth. People do not have enough money to support their family. The dependence of employed on the working population increases. The quality of life of an individual as well as the society is negatively affected. In conditions of bare subsistence there is a general decline in health status and increased dropouts from school. Unemployment has detrimental impact on the overall growth of an economy.

रोचक तथ्य 35+ lines

अंतरिक्ष में मौजूद कचरे का एक टुकड़ा हर दिन पृथ्वी पर गिरता है , यह अनुमान नासा के वैज्ञानिकों ने लगाया है । एक घन्टे की डरावनी फ़िल्म देखने से 30 मिनट तक पैदल चलने के बराबर कैलोरी जल जाती है । संतरा आँखों के लिए बहुत ही गुणकारी होता है । संतरे में विटामिन भरपूर मात्रा में होता है जो आँखों की ज्योति बढ़ाने में सहायक होता हैं । जितने आप अपने कामो को करने के लिए कठोर रहेंगे उतनी ही आपकी जिंदगी आसान होगी  और जितना अधिक आप अपने कामों को टालते जाएगे उतनी ही ज़िन्दगी कठोर होती चली जाएगी । पेन्सिल के शार्पनर का अविष्कार 1928 में बनार्ड लेसिमोरे ने किया था । नींद न आना और सिरदर्द का कारण मोबाइल फ़ोन की रेडिएशन भी है । अंतरिक्ष में जाने वाली पहली पेय पदार्थ कोका कोला था । कई बार ये होता हैं कि कोई गाना हमारे दिमाग में बैठ जाता हैं और पूरा दिन उसे ही गुनगुनाते रहते है इसे “ Earworm " कहते हैं । दुनिया की सबसे लंबी वेल मछली 60 फीट , वजन तकरीबन 25 टन और 4000 दांत हैं । संसद भवन की नींव की पहली ईंट 12 फरवरी 1921 में रखी गयी थी , इसके निर्माण में 6 साल और 83 लाख रुपए का खर्च आ...

Breathing and bathing

 In this post we will read about Breathing Blowing Cold and hot action of blowing  Blowing on fire life depends on Oxygen gas present in air. Oxygen plays an important role of releasing energy from the food inside the food body. This energy is used by our body for performing its various function the process after taking oxygen from the air and giving out carbon dioxide from the body is done by breathing. Breathing  :-  Process of inhalation and exhalation of air is called breathing. Breathing is a very slow process and it is difficult to notice the breathing of another person. The activity of breathing is performed by our nose and lungs. The process of breathing in is called in inhaling and the process of breathing outside is called exhaling. We breathe in, the year inter throughout our lungs and in flood the lungs. With this action our chest expands. When we breathe out the air comes out of our lungs. With this action Kama our chest contracts...

अलंकार की परिभाषा और उसके प्रकार उदाहरण सहित । alankar in hindi with examples

अलंकार के भेद प्रकार की परिभाषा उदाहरण सहित अलंकार के मुख्य भेद अलंकारों के मुख्यतः तीन वर्ग किए गए हैं - ( 1 ) शब्दालंकार ( 2 ) अर्थालंकार ( 3 ) उभयालकार । । इन्हीं तीन वर्गों के आधार पर अलंकारों का अध्ययन होता है । शब्दालंकार शब्द  के दो रूप हैं - ध्वनि और अर्थ । ध्वनि के आधार पर शब्दालंकार की सृष्टि होती है । इस अलंकार में वर्ण या शब्दों की लयात्मकता या संगीतात्मकता होती है , अर्थ का चमत्कार नहीं । शब्दालंकार ( 1 ) कुछ वर्णगत , ( 2 ) कुछ शब्दगत और ( 3 ) कुछ वाक्यगत होते हैं । अनुप्रास , यमक आदि अलंकार वर्णगत और शब्दगत हैं तो लाटानुप्रास वाक्यगत । प्रमुख शब्दालंकार ये हैं - अनुप्रास , यमक , पुनरुक्ति , पुनरुक्तवदाभास , वीप्सा , वक्रोक्ति , श्लेष आदि ।   अर्थालंकार - अर्थ को चमत्कृत या अलंकृत करने वाले अलंकार अर्थालंकार हैं । जिस शब्द से जो अर्थालंकार सधता है , उस शब्द के स्थान पर दूसरा पर्याय रख देने पर भी वही अलंकार सधेगा , क्योंकि इस जाति के अलंकारों का संबंध शब्द से न होकर अर्थ से होता है । केशव ( 1600 ई० ) ने ' कविप्रिया ' में दंडी ( 700 ई . ) के आदर्श पर 3...

Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution

Points to Remember 1. Liberals  (i) The liberals wanted a nation which tolerated all religions.  (ii) Liberals also opposed uncontrolled power by dynasti rulers.  (iii) They wanted to safeguard the rights of the individualk against governments.  (iv) The argued for a representative elected Parliamentar i Government.  (v) They favoured a well trained judiciary that was independent mi of rulers and officials.  (vi) They were not democrats.  (vii) They did not favour universal adult franchise.  (viii) Liberals wanted that men of property only should have the right to vote.  (ix) They did not want the voting right for women.  2. Radicals  (i) Radicals wanted a nation in which the government was based on the majority of a country's population.  (ii) Radicals opposed the privileges of big landowners and wealthy factory owners. (iii) They were not against the existence of private property be disliked concentration o...

Wireless Transmission Media

Wireless transmission requires electromagnetic waves for the transmission of information over a distance. These waves or frequencies is measured in Hertz (Hz). Wireless media is also knowwn as unguided media. Communication is done by spreading signals in the air and those signals are received by antennae, They can be classified as:  • Long distance wireless media  • Short distance wireless media  Long Distance Wireless Media  It can support communication over a longer distance of up to thousands of kilometres. It includes the following:  • Microwave  • Radiowave  • Satellite   Microwave is a technique that uses wireless transmission of data. Microwaves are widely used for short point-to- point communication links. For long-distance communication, high towers are built, as the higher the tower, greater the range. Sometimes microwave towers are installed at the top of the houses to facilitate long-distance communication in sho...