
Showing posts from March, 2021

What is the point of controversy about the dogs?

Lomov claims that his dog Guess is the first-rate dog. He says that Natalya's dog. Squeezer is overshot. He says that Squeezer is a bad hunter and its lower jaw is shorter than the upper jaw. On the other hand, Natalya says that Squeezer is better than Guess as Squeezer has a better pedigree. She says that Squeezer is a thoroughbred animal, and Guess is old and as ugly as a worn-out cab horse. 

What is the age of the girl in the poem 'Amanda"? How do you come to know her age?

Amanda is around between 9 to 10 years old school going girl. We come to know about her age from the fact that her parents are trying to inculcate good habits in her. But she is very innocent and immature and does not really appreciate the nagging done by her mother. She still gets instructions from her mother to do her homework and tidy her room. So, we can say that she is a young girl.

How did the invisible man first become visible?

The invisible man was a brilliant scientist. His name was Griffin. He invented a rare drug which made him invisible. When he dressed completely using clothes stolen from a suitable shop, he became visible. He took bandages for his forehead. dark glasses, a false nose, big bushy side whiskers, a wide-brimmed hat and an overcoat.

What was Mrs. Pumphrey's reaction after hearing Tricki's good health?

When Mrs. Pumphrey got a call from Mr. Herriot about Tricki's good health. She was very happy. Mrs. Pumphrey reached there within a very short period of time. She wanted to see Tricki immediately.

What is the point of dispute between Lomov and Natalya the second time?

The point of dispute between Lomov and Natalya the second time is their dogs. They argue about whose dog is better. When Lomov praises his dog. Natalya tries to prove that her dog is better than his. They start exchanging heating words once again.

From where did Anil get the bundle of money? Where did he keep it?

Anil got a bundle of money by selling a book to a publisher. The total amount of money that the bundle carried was six hundred rupees. He kept it under the mattress. When he brought it, he told about it to Hari Singh.

Who or what did Lencho have faith in? What did he do?

Lencho had a deep faith in God. He thought God was the only hope for him as well as for his family. So, he wrote a letter to God to send him one hundred pesos to sow the fields again and also to survive until the new crop would grow.

Why do Lomov and Natalya quarrel with each other?

Lomov tells Natalya that their families have an affectionate and a friendly relationship for a long time. He says that his Oxen Meadows touch Natalya's Birchwoods. At this, Natalya claims that the Oxen meadows are hers and this initiates a quarrel between them.

What extraordinary things happened at the inn?

Besides the incident of stealing money from the clergyman's desk, many other extraordinary things happened at the inn. One day Mr. and Mrs. Hall saw the scientist's door open. Usually, it remained closed. They entered the room to investigate. They found the clothes cold which showed that the scientist had been up for some time. The bandages and clothes that the scientist wore were lying about the room. Suddenly Mrs. Hall heard a sniff near her ear. At once the hat from the bed leapt up and dashed itself into her face. In the meanwhile, the chair became alive and threw itself out of the room.

Why does Amanda wish to be a mermaid?

Amanda wishes to be a mermaid because then she will be living in the sea without any restrictions. She also wishes to drift alone, blissfully and languid in the emerald sea. She also wants a life full of freedom and happiness.

Was Lencho surprised to find a letter for him with money in it?

No, Lencho was not surprised. He had great faith in God. He did not get a hint that the postmaster helped him in the face of God.

How does Natalya react when she comes to know that Lomov has come to propose to her?

When Natalya comes to know that Lomov has come to propose to her, she forgets all the logic behind her being unfair. The word proposal excites her beyond limits as she is already in a mood to marry. She requests her father to bring Lomov back.

What would the tiger do in the forest?

In the forest, the tiger would walk freely without any foundation and terrify the villagers snarling around their houses. The tiger in the wild would be majestic. He would be free and lie under the shades and hunt for prey.

What were Ram Lal and his wife's concern about Bholi? Why did they not about their other children?

Ram Lal and his wife were concerned more about Bholi than their other children because she was the weakest child in the family while her other siblings were healthy. They were worried about her ugly looks because of the pockmarks all over her body and also because of her stammering. They were worried that no one would come forward to marry because of her weaknesses.

What was the reason of Jaffers's astonishment?

The reason of Jaffers's astonishment was that he had to arrest a headless person. He decided to perform his duty but found himself struggling with a man who became invisible. Jaffers was knocked unconscious as he made a last attempt to hold on to Griffin. At last, he could not capture the scientist and hence, he could not perform his duty.

Who was Wanda Petronski? What type of girl was she?

Wanda was a poor Polish immigrant girl. She was very quiet and reserved. She rarely said anything. She never laughed loudly. Sometimes she smiled with a twisted mouth. She used to go to school with American children. They made fun of Wanda because she claimed that she had a hundred dresses, though, in reality, she had one old faded dress. She used to wear the same dress every day to school and used to commute to school alone.

How did the peasants of Chubukov consider Oxen Meadows?

The peasants of Chubukov had been using Oxen Meadows freely for the last forty years as if it were their own land. However, in reality, Lomov's aunt's grandmother gave that piece of land to the Chubukovs in return of which the latter had to make bricks for her.

"उनका बेटा बीमार है, इसकी खबर रखने की लोगों को कहाँ फुरसत ? पंक्ति में आधुनिक युग के मानव की किस मानसिकता पर व्यंग्य किया गया है?

इस पंक्ति द्वारा लेखक ने मानव की उस स्वार्थी प्रवृत्ति की मानसिकता पर व्यंग्य किया है जिसमे उसे अपने सिवाय दूसरा कोई नजर ही नहीं आता | वर्तमान समय में व्यक्ति अपने क्रियाकलापों में ही इतना व्यस्त हो गया है कि दूसरे के बारे में सोचने का उसके पास वक्त भी नहीं है। इस प्रकार की प्रवृत्ति मनुष्य की संवेदनहीनता की परिचायक है।

'लखनवी अंदाज़' पाठ के नवाब साहब पतनशील सामन्ती वर्ग के जीते-जागते उदाहरण हैं। टिप्पणी लिखिए।

लखनवी अंदाज़' पाठ के नवाब साहब पतनशील सामंती वर्ग के जीते-जागते उदाहरण हैं वास्तविकता से बेखबर, बनावटी जीवन शैली जीने वाले नवाब साहब ने ट्रेन में लेखके की संगति के प्रति कोई उत्साह नहीं दिखाया खानदानी रईस बनने का अभिनय करते हुए खीरा खाने में भी ये नजाकत दिखाते हैं और उसे सूंचने मात्र से पेट भरने की झूठी तुष्टि करते हैं।

पानवाला एक हँसोड़ स्वभाव वाला व्यक्ति है, परन्तु उसके हृदय में संवेदना भी है। इस कथन पर अपने विचार व्यक्त कीजिए।

पानवाला एक हंसोड़ स्वभाव वाला व्यक्ति है परन्तु उसका हृदय संवेदनशील भी है हालदार साहब ने जब मूर्ति की आँखों पर चश्मा नहीं देखा तो उन्होंने लिए पानवाले से पूछा तो उसने उदास होकर अपनी आँखें पोंछते हुए बताया कि कैप्टन मर गया। पानवाला गंभीर बात को भी हँस कर बताता था पर कैप्टन की मृत्यु पर दुःख प्रकट करना उसकी संवेदनशीलता का उदाहरण है।

कवि ने 'उत्साह' कविता बादलों को क्यों सम्बोधित की है?

कवि ने उत्साह कविता बादलों को इसलिए संबोधित की है क्योंकि 'बादल' निराला का प्रिय विषय है | जहाँ कविता में बादल एक ओर प्यास से पीड़ित लोगों की प्यास बुझाने वाला है वहीं दूसरी ओर उसे नवीन कल्पना और नवांकुर के लिए विप्लव और क्रांति चेतना को संभव करने वाला भी माना है ।

धनुष टूटने के बाद परशुराम ने फरसे की तरफ देख कर लक्ष्मण को न मारने का क्या तर्क दिया?

राम-लक्ष्मण और परशुराम संवाद में धनुष टूटने पर परशुराम ने लक्ष्मण को न मारने का तर्क दिया कि वह उन्होंने उसे बालक समझकर उसे अभी तक छोड़ा हुआ है । परशुराम ने अपने फरसे की प्रशंसा की कि वह सहस्रबाहु की भुजाओं को काट देने वाला और गर्भ के बच्चों का नाश करने वाला है। यह छोटे-बड़े की भी परवाह नहीं करता। भगवान परशुराम आगे लक्ष्मण से कहते हैं कि अगर आपने इसी उदंडता से और बात की तो मैं इस फरसे से तुम्हारा सर धड़ से अलग कर दूंगा । 

साँप का भय तथा माँ की गोद में शरण की घटना को माता का अँचल पाठ के आधार पर अपने शब्दों में व्यक्त कीजिए।

लेखक और उसके साथी मकई के खेत में दौड़ पड़े । वहाँ खेल के दौरान वे सब चूहों के बिल में पानी उलीचने लगे । उनमे से जब चूहे बाहर निकल कर आते तो उन्हें बड़ा ही मजा आता। ऐसे ही एक बिल में से अचानक सांप निकल कर आया। सब बच्चे रोते चिल्लाते गिरते-पड़ते बेहताशा भागे कोई आँधा गिरा ,कोई चित्ता। किसी का सिर फूटा, किसी के दाँत। सारी देह लहूलुहान हो गई। पैरों के तलवे काँटों से छलनी हो गए लेखक लहूलुहान, बदहवास-सा होकर दौड़ा हुआ आया और घर में घुस गया। बाबूजी बरामदे में हुक्का गुड़गुड़ा रहे थे उन्होंने पुकारा किंतु लेखक सीधा माँ की गोद में जा छिपा। माँ उस समय चावल साफ कर रही थी। अपने काम को उन्होंने वहीं छोड़ दिया । बच्चे को काँपता देखकर माँ का दिल भर आया और वे रोने लगी।उसके अंग दबाते हुए वे उसे चूमने लगी। वे उसे प्यार करते हुए उससे डरने का कारण पूछने लगी। उन्होंने झटपट हल्दी पीसकर घावों पर लगाई। सारे घर में कुहराम मच गया। लेखक धीमे स्वर में "साँ... स.... सा....." ही कह पाता था। सारा शरीर थर-थर काँप रहा था। आँखें चाहकर भी नहीं खुलती थी। माँ उसे बड़े लाड़ से गले लगाए हुए थी। बाबूजी ने दौड़कर उस...

और देखते ही देखते नई दिल्ली की काया पलट होने लगा -नई दिल्ली के काया पलट के लिए क्या-क्या प्रयत्न किए गए?

1. नई दिल्ली का कायापलट करने के लिए निम्नलिखित प्रयास किए गए होंगे: सभी मुख्य इमारतों की मरम्मत की गई होगी तथा उन्हें रंगा होगा। 2. सड़कों को पानी से धोया जा रहा होगा। 3. वहाँ रोशनी की व्यवस्था की गई होगी। 4. रास्तों पर दोनों देशों के झंडे लगाए गए होंगे। 5. गरीबों को सड़कों के किनारे से हटाया गया होगा। 5. दर्शनीय स्थानों की सजावट की गई होगी। 6. सभी सरकारी भवनों को रंगा गया होगा। 7. कहीं कोई त्रुटि न रह जाए, इस पर विशेष ध्यान दिया गया होगा। 8. रानी की सुरक्षा के कड़े प्रबन्ध किए गए होंगे। 9. मुख्य मार्गों के किनारे के पेड़ों की कटाई-छंटाई की गई होगी। जगह-जगह स्वागत द्वार बनाए गए होंगे। सरकारी भवनों पर दोनों देशों के ध्वज लगाए गए होंगे।

ऐसा कौन-सा दृश्य लेखिका ने देखा जिसने उनकी चेतना को झकझोर डाला? "साना-साना हाथ जोड़ि" पाठ के आधार पर संक्षेप में लिखिए।

प्रकृति के अनुपम सौंदर्य के अलौकिक आनंद में डूबी लेखिका को कई दृश्य झकझोर गए। लेखिका जब प्रकृति के अलौकिक सौन्दर्य में डूबी हुई थी; उसी समय उसका ध्यान पत्थर तोड़ती हुई पहाड़ी औरतों पर गया। जिनके शरीर तो गुंथे हुए आटे के समान कोमल थे किन्तु उनके हाथों में कुदाल और हथौड़े थे। उनमें से कुछ की पीठ पर बँधी एक बड़ी टोकरी में उनके बच्चे भी थे। इतने स्वर्गीय सौन्दर्य के बीच मातृत्व और श्रम साधना के साथ-साथ भूख, मौत, दैन्य और जिदा रहने की जंग जो पहाड़ों में रास्ता बनाने वाली ये श्रमिक औरतें झेल रही हैं। बर्फ से ढके आधे हरे काले पहाड़ जिन पर ताजी बर्फ का पाउडर छिड़का गया हो गया हो। चिकने चिकने गुलाबी पत्थरों के बीच इठला कर बहती चांदी की तरह चमकती बनी ठनी तीस्ता नदी और दूध की धार की तरह झर - झर गिरते जलप्रपात प्राकृतिक सौन्दर्य में इन दृश्यों ने लेखिका की चेतना को झकझोर डाला।

संकेत बिंदु:- गंगा भारत की एक............ पवित्र माना जाता है।

संकेत बिंदु:- गंगा भारत की एक..................... पवित्र माना जाता है। 1.गंगा जल साधारण जल से किस तरह भिन्न होताहै? उत्तर:- गंगा जल साधारण जल से इस तरह भिन्न होता है, क्योंकि हम उसके जल को काफी दिनों तक रख सकते है और यह खराब भी नहीं होता है।  2. गंगा का उद्गम स्थल क्या है? उत्तर:- गंगा का उद्गम स्थल गंगोत्री है।  3.नदी जल में घुले खास पदार्थ क्या योगदान देते हैं? उत्तर:- नदी जल में घुले खास पदार्थ का योगदान है कि उसमें सडन पैदा करने वाले कीटाणुओं को पनपने से रोकते है।  4.देवप्रयाग में आकर गंगा किस नदी से मिलतीहै?  उत्तर:- देवप्रयाग में आकर गंगा अलकनंदा नदी से मिलती है।  5. गद्यांश का उचित शीर्षक क्या होगा?  उत्तर:- गद्यांश का उचित शीर्षक गंगा का महत्व होगा।

Why does cake become fluffy after adding baking soda

On adding baking soda to the cake batter, it would undergo thermal decomposition due to the heat trapped in the batter. Thus, the following reaction takes place :- 2NaHCO3 (s) ----> Na2CO3 (aq) + CO2 (g) + H2O (l). The CO2 evolved makes the cake fluffy.

How did valli react when she saw the dead cow by the roadside?

Valli enjoyed watching a young cow with tail high running in middle of the road on her way to town but when the bus was returning back to the village she found that the cow was lying dead by the roadside and there was blood was spread all over. The cow might had been struck with some fast moving vehicle. This haunted her and from then on she refused to look out of the window on her way back to the village.

Which term of the AP 3, 15, 27, 39,...... will be 132 more than its 54th term?

a=3 d=15-3=12 Let the term of the ap be añ añ=a54+132  a+(n-1)d =a+53d+132  Putting the values  3+(n-1)12 =3+53×12+132 3+12n-12 =3+636+132 12n-9 =3+768 12n-9=771 12n =771+9 12n =780 n =780/12  n=65

how to metal carbonate and metal hydrogen carbonate react with acid ? Taking sodium as metal, write the balanced chemical equation in both the cases. State the method to test the gas involved in this reaction

FORMULA :- Metal carbonate/metal hydrogen carbonate+ acid ----------> salt + carbondioxide + hydrogen. SODIUM HYDROGEN CARBONATE WITH ACID:- NaHCO3 + HCL---------> Nacl+ Co2 +H20. SODIUM CARBONATE WITH ACID:- Na2CO3 + 2HCL------> 2Nacl + Co2 + H2O. How to test CO2 in the both cases:- Pass the evolved gas in quick lime it will turn to milky white slaked lime water.

What is database?

Database is an organized collection of data. It contains one or many sheets having several rows_and_columns where values are stored according to fields. 

What do you mean by grouping objects?

By grouping objects, we can apply any effects_on the object at the same time. We don't need to_select objects one by one and apply_the same effect like colour, shadow.

How industry help in modernising the country and help in reducing the poverty?

Industrial sector helps in modernizing agriculture as it provides various machines, fertilizers, PVC pipes, tractors and others like thrashers and ploughing machines etc. Which were not earlier used when industries were not good to go! Earlier bulls, hoe, dao and other tools were used manually instead of industrial machines.  In reducing poverty too industrial sector plays an important role, it reduces the heavy income dependence of people on agricultural sector by providing jobs and employment in secondary and tertiary sector. In this way it provides income source to people to reduce poverty and also industries are being set up in rural area for decreasing regional differences. 

Suggest some ways to improve marks in mathematics

Daily practice help you to get more marks. You  should be through in ncert book. Refer some guide. Daily atleast spend 1 to 2 hours in mathematics subject it's enough to get good mark and also use some apps to clear your maths question doubts like snapsolve. It is best app to maths question problem solution. Watch more and more videos related topics, theorems etc. 

What is respiration in plant? Class 10

RESPIRATION is the overall process by which organisms oxidise food to release energy. In most plants, AEROBIC respiration takes place. The respiratory gases are exchanged through the stomata, tiny pores on the lower part of a leaf. The oxygen is then taken to plant cells where glucose is oxidised to produce energy in the mitochondria.

mainly which three rays are use to obtain an image by spherical lens? class 10th

1) Ray passing through lens in a direction parallel to principal axis passes through focus on refraction. 2) Ray passing through principal focus of a lens passes in a direction parallel through principal axis on refraction. 3) Ray passing through the optical center of a lens suffers no deviation even after refraction.

What is Quit india movement?

On august 8, 1942 the All India Congress Committee adopted a resolution in favour of starting a mass movement. Gandhiji named it Quit India movement It is also known as Bharat Chodo Andolan. The congress demanded the immediate ending of the British rule in India. The repressive_policy and cruel atrocities_were committed on the innocent people. Mass arrests were made and thousands of Indians became the target of the British bullets.

Why did lencho became angry when he counted the money? class 10

Lencho became angery after counting money because money was less than 100 pesos means only was 70 pesos while he was demanding 100 pesos due to crop failure production to spent a good life in that year. 

What makes a location favourable for setting up to industry

The Following makes a location favourable for setting up an Industry:  These are some physical factors and human factors that affect the location of industries are: 1. Availability of Raw materials  at a lower cost.  2.Availability of power resources. 3. Availability of good land and and water.  4. Availability of services like Banking, insurance etc.  5. Favourable government Policies.  6. Availability of water and  electricity.  7. Availability of large number of skilled as well as unskilled workers to work in industry.  8. Availability of good transportation service and distribution price. 9. Availability of markets to sell final products. 

What is the effect of DNA copying which is not perfectly accurate on the reproductioyn process?

I t would lead to formation of VARIATIONS. If these variations go hand in hand with the constantly changing environment, they enhance survival rate of a species.