How to upload/publish app on the Play Store


Today in this post we will learn how to upload/publish our app on play store.  Please read and follow the instructions very carefully.

So, you were bitten by the Android bug, and it has led you to develop your application or game for the Android platform.

Won't it be nice to put it on display and let people use it?

Nothing like watching your baby grow and be a rage.
Publishing your application to the Store enables your application to be downloaded, installed, and used by millions of users across the world.

Users can also rate your application and leave comments about it, which help you identify possible use trends and problematic areas that users might be encountering.
There several avenues to do so.

In this topic, you will learn how to publish your application to Google Play Store.

Google Play Store is one of the first and official application distribution mechanisms for Android.

It provides a set of valuable statistics that you can use to track the success of your application.

Today the platform boasts close to 3 million apps. (Apps are only published on app stores, though they can be downloaded and used on multiple devices.)

Sign and Seal It

The first thing you need to do is package your application so that it can be placed on user devices.

To do so, you create an Android package file, or APK file, which you will learn to do in the following sections.

Choosing your tools

You can build an Android APK file in numerous ways:

  • Android Studio
  • Command line with Gradle
  • The automated build process, such as a continuous integration server.

Really, these are just three different ways to kick off your Gradle build.

The easiest one is, of course, to use Android Studio to create a signed APK file.

Android Studio provides an array of tools that compile, digitally sign, and package your Android application into an APK file.

(Which of the following methods can be used to create an APK file?
  • Android Studio
  • Command line with Gradle
  • Automated build process
All three methods can be used to create APK files.) 

Digitally singing application

The Android system requires all installed applications to be digitally signed with a certificate that contains a public/private key pair.

The system won't install applications that aren't signed. By default, your apps are signed by a debug key generated by the Android SDK.

The private key is held by the developer.

The certificate has an expiration date, and it's verified only at install time. If the certificate expires after the application has been installed, then the application continues to operate normally.

You can use self-signed certificates to sign your applications; a certificate authority isn't needed.

  • The certificate that's used to digitally sign the application identifies the developer and establishes the trust relationships between applications.
  • If you don't want to use Android Studio to generate the certificate, then you can use standard JDK tools such as the Keytool or jarsigner to sign your APK files.

Creating a keystore

A keystore in Android (and in Java) is a container in which your private certificates reside.

You can use a couple of tools in Android to create a keystore file:

Android Studio Generate Signed APK Wizard: Creates a keystore and a key that will be used to sign your app APK.

Keytool application: Lets you create a self-signed keystore via

the command line. The Keytool, located in the Java bin directory, provides many options via the command line.

Safeguarding your keystore

The keystore file contains your private certificate, which Android uses to identify your application in Google Play Store.

Back up your keystore in a safe location because if you happen to lose it, you cannot sign the application with the same private key.

Neither can you upgrade your application because the Google Play Store platform recognizes that the application isn't signed by the same key. Based on such recognition, the Play Store restricts you from upgrading the app and sees the file as a new Android application.

This also happens if you change the package name of the app. Android doesn't recognize it as a valid update because the package and/or certificate are not the same.

(Who holds the private key for the keystore certificate and the APK: Developers
Th private key is helds by developers only.

Creating the APK File

To create your first APK file, start by choosing Build > Generate Signed APK in the Android Studio project window.

This will open a pop-up window.

Here, select APK and click Next.

On the next screen, enter all the required details, such as selecting the module, entering keystore details, etc.

1. Click the Create New button. Or, if you already have a keystore, click the Choose Existing button instead. You will need to enter a password for the keystore.

2. Fill out the following fields:

  • Alias: A simple name that you use to identify the key.
  • Password and Confirm: The password that will be used for the key.
  • Validity: Indicates how long this key will be valid.

3. Complete the certificate issuer section, by filling out the personal details.

4. Choose the APK destination folder and the Build Type. Set the location to the module directory, and the Build Type to release.

5. Click Finish.

The .apk and .jks (keystore) files are created in your chosen locations.

( What is the extension of the keystore file generated during APK creation?
Ans. The keystore file has a .jks extension. ) 

Creating a Developer Profil


After you have created an APK file, you can release the application on Google Play Store.

And to release the application on Google Play Store, you need to create a Google Play developer profile.

Need for a G-Account

To create the developer profile, you first need a Google account.

Any Google-based account, such as a Gmail account, works. If you have no Google account, then you can open a free one by navigating to Google Accounts.

Creating a Dev Profile

To create the Google Play developer profile, start your web browser and navigate to /apps/publish.

Sign in to your Google account. If you're already signed in to your account, then you go straight to Step 3 to fill in your developer profile.

Check I agree to accept the terms of the developer agreement and then click Continue to Payment.

On the Secure Checkout page, fill in your credit card details and billing information, then click the Accept and Continue button.

Unless you pay the developer fee, you cannot publish applications.

To complete the registration process, fill out the following fields to complete your developer profile:

  • Developer Name: The name that appears as the developer of the applications you release. You can change it later after you've created your developer profile.
  • Email Address: The email address to which users can send an email with questions or comments about your application.
  • Phone Number: A valid phone number at which to contact you to discuss problems with your published content.

Scroll down and click the Complete Registration button.

Congratulations, you are now a registered Android developer!

On the next page, you can upload your application or set up a merchant account. You need this account if you are going to charge a fee for your apps.

Setting Up a Merchant Account

To sell paid apps and enable in-app purchases on Google Play, you can set up a profile in the Google payments center by filling-in your business information. When you're finished, click Submit.

After you've set up your payments profile, make sure your apps are sold along with the proper tax for your location.

( Which of the following is not a necessary detail required to create a developer profile?
Answer. Religion and nationality details are not required for creating a developer profile. ) 

Pick a Price for Your app

Why Put a Price?

So, you have created an APK file and you're a registered Android developer. Now you're ready to put your app into users' hands. Finally!

But you must answer one last question. Is your app a free or paid one?

This is an important decision to make before you release your app because its price has psychological consequences for potential customers or users and monetary consequences for you.

The paid versus free discussion is an evergreen debate, and both sides can be profitable. You only have to figure out what works best for your application, given your situation.

Price Decisions

If yours is a paid application, then you have to determine your price point.

Only you can make this decision, so check out similar applications in Play Store, and their price points, to determine your pricing strategy.

Keeping the pricing of your app competitive with your market is a game of economics that you have to play to determine what works for your application.

The Paid Model

If you choose the paid model for your app, then you generally start seeing money in your pocket within 24 hours of the first sale (barring holidays and weekends).

However, your paid application probably won't receive many active installs.

Users who download your app from Google Play Store get a free, 2-hour trial period to try out your paid application.

During the trial period, users can experiment with the fully functional application, and if they don't like it, simply uninstall it for a full refund.

The trial period is extremely useful because users aren't penalized for taking your app for a brief test drive.

( Who decides if the app will be paid or free?
Answer. Developers decide whether their apps will be free or paid. ) 

The Free Model

If you choose to take the free route, then users can install the application for free.

Between 50 and 80 percent of users who install your free app will keep the application on the device; the others will uninstall it.

The elephant in the room is the question of how to make money by creating free apps.

Earning through the Free Model

As the age-old saying goes, nothing in life is free, and the saying applies to making money with free apps.

You have two basic options:

  • In-app purchases: You identify different "upgrades" that users can buy when using your app, which are then managed via Google Play Store.
  • Advertising: Various mobile advertising agencies provide third-party libraries to display ads on your mobile application.
Advertising in Apps

The top mobile advertising company is Google.

Google offers useful SDKs and walks you through the steps to run ads on your native Android applications..

Google pays on a net 60-day cycle, so you may have to wait a few months to receive your first cheque.

Marketing Your App

Importance of Screenshots

If you've spent weeks (or months) creating detailed graphics for a game that you want users to play, then you want potential users and buyers to see them so that they can see the overall look of your app.

Allowing users to view a couple of screenshots of your application can be the determining factor in installing your application.

Screenshots are a vital part of the Google Play Store ecosystem because they allow users to preview an application before installing it.

Taking Screenshots

To grab real-time shots of your application, you either use an emulator or a physical Android device.

To grab screenshots with an emulator, follow these steps:

1. Open the emulator.

2. In Android Studio, choose View > Tool Windows > Android.

3. Click the Screenshot button to take a screenshot.

4. After the screenshot is taken, save the file someplace on your computer for future use.

( Which of the following is not achieved by sharing the screenshots of the app?
Answer. It helps users decide if they should keep the app or block it. It helps the developer to see how the app will look on user devices. ) 

Uploading Your App

Now you're ready to put the application into the hands of users.

To publish your app, make sure you have the following items ready:
  • The signed AP 
  • Your screenshot
  • A description and promotional text for your application
  • A promotional image used to advertise your app if it's featured in Google Play Stora

To publish an application, click the Publish an Android App on Google Play button on the Android developer's home page.

Now click Create Application to get started.

Create the App Node

Choose a language and title (name of the application) and click Create.

Adding Product Details

Enter product details such as the title, a short description of the app, and a more extended description.

The short description is the text users will see when looking at your app's Store Listing from Google Play Store.

The extended description of your app should include enticing app features and what users can accomplish. This description appears in the app store and cannot be longer than 4000 characters.

( What do you not need to upload your app on Play Store?
Answer. Anyone can upload apps if they fulfill all the steps involved and pay the required fee. There is no need for a recommendation or communication from Google. )

Adding the Media Portfolio

Moving ahead, you will be able to add marketing and promotional elements to your app.

Upload at least two screenshots. Click "Add high-res icon" to add your app icon. It must be at least 512 X 512.

Click "Add feature graphic." This is a promotional graphic that's displayed at the top of your Store Listing page in the Play Store app.

Click "Add promo graphic" to promote your app on older versions of Android and a Promo Video to promote your app. This is optional.

Creating a Store Listing

Choose an application type and category relevant to your app. For content rating, you have to fill out the questionnaire, which comes into play later.

Adding Developer Coordinates

Next, you need to fill out your contact details and enter the URL for a privacy policy.

You may also select "Not submitting a privacy policy URL at this time."

Now your application has been created as a draft.

Click on the application, and it will take you to the next screen.

( An extended description of the app ranging under 4000 characters can be added on the Play Store console.
Answer. The Play Store console allows for a short as well as extended description of the app. )

Managing Distribution

Managing Releases

If you click on your app, it will take you to an app management console. From here, you can manage app releases, prices, etc.

Click Manage Production button which takes you to the next step.

You can choose to run alpha and beta testing so you can receive feedback to make improvements to the full release.

Then you can push the same build to production.

The objective of beta testing is to do one final check on the production app before you release to the public.

In case you beta test, you don't need to upload the app again.

On the next screen, click Create Release.

Choose whether or not you want to use the Google Play app signing.

Set up Google Play App Signing now or choose to opt out if you sign in locally.

Uploading the APK

Choose Browse Files, and find and insert your APK.

Pick a name for the particular release. It doesn't have to be an app name; just update a number or a name similar to that.

( Alpha testing is a final check on the production app before it is released to the public and it can be done through the app store.
Answer. It is Beta testing that can be done through the app store by releasing a limited edition of the app to a selected group. ) 

Scroll down the page, enter information about what's new in your release and click Review.

Post this, your APK will be added.

Now on the sidebar, you want to go to "Content rating" and fill out the survey. Enter and confirm the email address.

Setting a Price

Go to "Pricing & distribution" on the sidebar.

Here is where you set whether or not you will charge for your app and in which countries you want to roll the app out first.

Google Play will not allow an application that is free to be upgraded to a priced app.

Google Play will let a paid app to switch to a free app at any time.

As already discussed, you need to set up a merchant account by clicking the link if your app is a paid one.

And you're ready to publish your first app.

( What do you have to do first: upload the APK or set the app price?
Answer. On the Play Store console, you must upload the APK before setting the app price. ) 

Now go back to App Releases in the sidebar menu which will take you to the screen below.

Click Start Rollout to Production and that will push it out, publishing it to the store.

Congratulations, you have now successfully published your app to Google Play Store! It will take a few hours, depending on which countries you selected.

Monitoring Download

You've finally published your first application.

Now it's time to watch those millions start rolling in, right?

Regardless of whether you are an independent or a corporate developer...... Whether you are releasing the next standout first-person shooter game, or pushing out your company's Android application....You do want to know how is your application doing.

On the Google Play developer console, you can do so in five simple ways.

( Which of the following helps in monitoring how your app is doing?
Answer. Ratings, User comments, Error reports. ) 

Course Completion

Before moving ahead, let's see if you recall what we have discussed in this topic.

Android applications must be signed before they are installed.

An app must bear the developer sign and certificate before it is installed.

Steps in the correct order for app publication on Play Store
  1. Building a distributable APK
  2. Creating a keystore and developer certificate
  3. Adding screenshots to market the app
  4. Setting a price for app use
  5. Monitoring downloads
Congratulations! You have completed the final topic of the app publication on Play Store course: Publishing Your Android Application.
In this topic, you learned how to upload and publish your app.


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