There are various factors, which are responsible for various accidents. These factors are stated below:
1. Lack of Knowledge. Lack of knowledge is a curse. A number of accidents happen only due to lack of knowledge. If we do not have a complete knowledge about machine and still handle it, there are ample chances to meet the accident. So, lack of knowledge may lead us towards accidents, which can be fatal for our life.
2. Cautionlessness. Cautionlessness is also a major factor which is responsible for accidents. It is also said, "cautionlessness causes accidents." Most commonly, it is seen that most of the accidents on roads happen only due to heedless driving. If we are attentive, accidents can be avoided up to a great extent.
3. Carelessness. Owing to over-confidence, a person becomes careless. There are a number of places such as roads, industries, factories and the agriculture, etc. where most of the people are entrapped in accidents due to carelessness.
4. Pensiveness. Pensiveness or thoughtfulness is also a major factor of accidents. If a person is pensive or thoughtful, definitely he cannot be cautious, alert and aware.
At the stage of alertlessness, he may meet any accident. In fact, a pensive individual always remains thoughtful. He 'does not pay his attention to the work which he performs.
5. Not Observing the Road Rules. Not observing the road rules is another factor of accidents. Sometimes, a person does not have proper knowledge regarding the traffic rules. Nowadays in India, such people are able to get the licences, who do not know appropriate driving. Without checking, the police department provides such licences to the untrained and unskilled drivers.
6. Hurriedness. Nowadays, everybody remains in hurry. People do not understand that speed thrills but kills. Every person wants to reach at his destination immediately. The people should follow this caution : “Act fast but don't be rash." So, hurriedness can be called as one of the factors, which is responsible for accidents.
7. Increase in Traffic. In comparison to the yester decade, nowadays the number of cars, trucks, buses, scooters, motorcycles and cycles has been increased extraordinarily. Due to this increase, the number of accidents related to traffic has also increased in comparison to the earlier time.
8. Drinking. Driving after taking intoxicants like alcohol is also the main factor of accidents. It is usually said, "When wine is in wit is out." We generally damn care about such slogans. As a matter of fact, after taking intoxicants, the person loses his control, which results in accidents.