A diet which consists of all the essential food constituents viz. proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins and water in correct proportion is called Balanced Diet. In other words, 'Balanced Diet is that diet which consists of various constituents of food in accurate and appropriate quantity and quality according to the requirement of an individual. In fact, every individual does not require same type of diet. It differs from child to child and to person.
Importance of Balanced Diet
For appropriate growth, development and wellness of a person, the balanced diet has been accepted as the best diet. The balanced diet helps in keeping a person healthy and fit. There are various nutrients in such a diet which provide strength and energy to the body and keep away the diseases. The required calories can be taken from balanced diet. In addition to this, there are different types of nutrients in the balanced diet which make the food tasty. These nutrients are beneficial for secreting the gastric juices in enough amount so that food may be digested properly. The balanced diet is helpful in the repair of cells and tissues of the body. Balanced diet is not a costly affair. It also increases the immunity power of the body and helps in preventing various diseases.
Factors affecting balance Diet
All the persons do not need same type of diet. The requirement of amount and quality of balanced diet depends upon certain factors such as age, sex, avocation or occupation, pregnancy, geographical location and climate, etc. These factors, which affect the balanced diet are described below:
(1 )Age The amount of food depends upon the age of an individual. It means that balanced diet is different for different persons. In young age, much amount of diet is required for proper growth and development. Children require more amount of proteins and fats in comparison to the old ones. The old people do not need much amount of food. The quality of food is also different for these people. In fact, they need less fatty diet.
(2) Gender Balanced diet also depends upon gender. Males need more amount of food in comparison to females. This has been proved by dieticians that females should be given 90% of balanced diet of males. The main reason behind this fact is that males have more height and weight in comparison to females. The other reason is that males perform strenuous work, which requires more energy.
(3) Body Built or Constitution. It is a fact that a tall and fatty individual needs more amount of food in comparison to lean, thin and short statured individual.
(4) Occupation. Occupation also affects the amount of balanced diet. The persons who are employed in such avocations, where strenuous work is more, they need more amount of balanced diet, whereas, the persons, who perform less physical work, need less quantity of balanced diet. The persons, who are engaged in mental work, need more carbohydrates than proteins. Such persons require multi-vitamin diet.
(5) Climate. The quality and quantity of balanced diet also depends upon the climate in which we live. If we live in cold climate, we need more quantity of balanced diet. In such climate, we need more quantity of proteins and fats. It is also a universal truth that we take more diet in winter. As a matter of fact, owing to greater loss of heat in winter, we require more food. In winter, the heat supplying food should be taken in more quantity. In other words, we should take rich fat diet in cold climate. In hot climate, we should take such a balanced diet, which has less fats.
(6) Pregnancy. The requirement of balanced diet in terms of amount and quality is quite different during pregnancy. During pregnancy a mother needs more amount of balanced diet for the proper development of foetus. She also requires a qualitative diet specially protein, iron and calcium rich diet. Additional amount of calcium helps the formation of bones of the baby. Hence, it can be said that a pregnant lady needs different diet in comparision to a normal lady.
(vii) Geographical location. The amount and quality of balanced diet also differs according to geographical locations. In extreme cold locations additional amount of fats is required in comparision to hot locations. In cold regions, the living beings require heat and energy producing diet. So, the balanced diet also depends upon geographical location.