Define Birth rate, death rate and migration by Prince nishad (Process of Population Change/Growth)

  • There are three imain processes of change of population birth rates, death rates and migration.
  1. Birth rate. It is the number of live births per thousand persons in a year, It is a major component of growth because in India, birth rates have always been higher than death rates.
  2. Death rate is the number of deaths per thousand persons in a year. The major cause of the rate of growth of the Indian population has been the rapid decline in death rates due to improvement in medical facilities. 
  • The natural increase of population is the difference between birth rates and death rates. 
  1.  Migration.
  • The third  component of population growth is migration.
  • Migration is the movement of people across regions and territories.
  • Migration can be internal (within the country) or external (between different countries).
  • Internal migration does not change the size of the population in a country, but influence s the distribution of population within the nation.
  • Migration plays a very significant role in changing the composition and distribution of population.
  • In India, most migration have been from rural to urban areas because of the push factor in rural areas.
  • Push factors are adverse conditions of poverty and unemployment in the rural area and the pull of the city in terms of increased employment opportunities and better living conditions.
  • Migration not only charges the population size but also the population composition of urban and rural populations in terms of age and sex composition.
  • In India, the rural-urban migration has led to an increase in the urban population from 17.26% in 1951 to 27.78% in 2001.


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