How to write consent letter from parents to school for covid 19 | consent letter format from parents to school for covid-19

Write a consent letter to the principal | How do I write a consent letter for offline classes | How do I write a letter of permission for school

Question. Write a consent letter to the principal of Radiant central children Jalalpur Ambedkar


Consent letter format from parents to school Radiant Jalalpur Ambedkar Nager


The Principal

Radiant Central Children Academy 

Jalalpur Ambedkar Nagar

Subject : Consent for sending my ward to school-reg.


I....................................parent/guardian of...............................Class & by permit my ward to attend school from August 16, 2021. I also assure that my ward will follow all the instructions and protocols as mentioned herein.

1. My ward will wear mask all the time in school

2. She/he will carry her/his own sanitizer, water bottle and gloves.

3. She/he will not share any item with classmates.

4. She/he will maintain social distancing inside & outside of the class.

5. She/he will carry clean hanky/tissue paper with her/him.

6. She/he will follow all the instructions as given by the school.

7. She/he will sit only on the seat allotted to her/him.

8. In case of any problem, she/he will report to his teacher/class teacher/coordinator immediately.


• My ward will abide by all the rules and regulation. If she/he fails to follow the guidelines, his/her permission to come to school will stand suspended.

• I will not hold school responsible for any infection caught in or outside school.

• My ward will not carry mobile phone in school. If s/he is found carrying any electronic gadget, school can confiscate and I will not claim for the same.

Signature :  .................... 

Name :  ........................ 

Mobile No. :  ................... 

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